Preparation for the digital TestAS

Get ready for your exam!

You will find detailed information, material and practice exercises on these pages. Familiarise yourself with the test format and learn how the exam will be conducted on the test day.

Preparation material

The following online material is available to help you prepare for the digital TestAS:

  • The notes on exam preparation contain sample questions and answers for all subtests of the Core Module and for all Subject Modules. They also describe the rules and the test procedure.
  • The tutorials will help you to familiarise yourself with the structure and operation of the exam software: Introduction, Figural Sequences, Mathematical Equations, Latin Squares and Subject Module
  • If you have registered for the digital TestAS, you can access a demo version of the test in the test takers' portal.

Tips for taking the exam

Plan your time well:

  • Work quickly but carefully: It is important that you read the questions carefully. Skimming and not paying attention can lead to important information being missed.
  • If you have difficulties with a task, do not work on it until later: It is better to use this time to solve other tasks that are easier for you.
  • If you do not know the solution to a task, take a guess: no points will be deducted for wrong answers. Therefore, guess which answer is correct. If you still have time later, you can return to this task. However, it is unlikely that you will guess the correct solutions in the ‘Mathematical Equations’ subtest.

Preparation material and tutorial videos for the digital TestAS

Familiarise yourself with the requirements and tasks of the exam.

Learn more